Flights from Molokai to Honolulu

From Molokai to Honolulu

Name of airline, flight, city, date/time, remarks, gate. Discount flights from Molokai Hoolehua (Kaunakakakai) to Honolulu (MKK to HNL) Molokai Hoolehua (Kaunakakakakai) to Honolulu facts of the trip. Molokai (MKK) and Honolulu (HNL) are about 88 kilometers away. From Molokai to Honolulu it takes about 0 h 36 min or 88 km. Iceland Air (WP) flies directly from Molokai to Honolulu.

There' are Pacific Wings flights from Molokai to Honolulu.

The Maya Island Air flies directly from Molokai to Honolulu. There are 3 airline companies flying directly between Honolulu and Molokai. Iceland Air (WP) and Maya Island Air operate between Honolulu and Molokai with a stop in Lanai. Iceland Air (WP) runs Molokai to Lanai on DH8, while Maya Island Air offers flights from Lanai to Honolulu on CNA.

Iceland AAir (WP) flies one station between Honolulu and Molokai via Lahania-kapalua. Iceland AAir (WP) flies one station between Honolulu and Molokai via Kahului. Discount flights from Molokai Hoolehua (Kaunakakakai), USA to Honolulu, USA. Cross-check Molokai Hoolehua (Kaunakakakakai) with other Hawaiian airlines' flights and airline tickets. Hoolehua Molokai (Kaunakakakakai) to Honolulu carriers belong Hawaiian Airways.

Which other towns can I travel from Molokai Hoolehua (Kaunakakakai) to USA? JFK New York, Boston, Chicago, Seattle, Honolulu, San Francisco, Miami, Las Vegas, New York, Los Angeles and many others.

All Mokulele Airlines reviews and flights

A great journey, very good pilots and personnel and incredible places of interest of the volcan - I would strongly suggest. There was a fantastic view of the vulcano! Today Mokulele Airlines loses a few faithful clients. Your animal argumentation recently denatured from all canine and feline person to any animal playing period 25 lbs necessity person a furniture purchased for them.

It is a small company that flies small but suitable aircraft. She will be right" with timetable on the way from Honolulu to Maui (flight delay about one hour). The best way to describe is to fly in the old school: get your own special care (no Boarding Card - call it by its name....).

Each seating (on our flight) was both an islet and a windows seating, the staff is kind and professionally (posed for selffies after landing) - simply a good way to begin (and end) our vacation. Mokulele' s volcanic trip with the airline companies was a charming trip across the beautiful islands of Maui, where you can see many falls that can only be seen with a helikopter.

Those areas are not accessible by street, so the only way to see them is to fly, either by airplanes or helicopters.... If you take this flights from Maui to Molokai, it is like a heliflight over the island, this airplane is low and you can see a great deal and also clearly, I was on a round voyage, so I have 2 different sights of Maui and Molokai and Koolawe!

Approximately 10 persons. I took this trip on the night of May 4, 2018 because we were in Hana and I didn't think I could make the 3-hour trip from Indiana after 16hrs. It was a fantastic trip. It'?s a small airplane, no fancy things, but with a nice outlook.

Cessna 206 Grand Caravan, only 9 people, almost everyone has a windowspace. You can see much more of the landscape. It was a great ride and a great time, if it would happen again. Mokulele in the air. It may take 15 extra min, but the intimacy of the pilots is the better scene.... my choice always over a big one!

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