Bora Bora Location on Globe

The Bora Bora location on the globe

The hotels were evaluated according to equipment, location, service, catering and overall value. The Bora Bora Bora is world famous for its turquoise lagoon, bright white sandy beaches and luxurious resorts. A family Tahitian company based on the island of Bora Bora. Bora Bora Bora Bora belongs to the Leeward Group of the Society Islands of French Polynesia and is located in the Pacific Ocean.

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Favorite place in the oceans - Review of the St. Regis Bora Bora Bora Resort, Bora Bora, France Polynesia

SITUATION - breathtaking, astonishing, beautiful. Admittedly, we haven't really noticed that we are in Bora Bora (and even in Polynesia, France) for the first case, that the surface vaults don't lie directly in the sea, nor do you actually go into the sea, unless you take a ship to it. It is surrounded by a barriere with only one entrance for boating to get into the sea from each of the islands and from the water.

They are all located in the Laguna (yes, it is seawater) that surrounds the principal isle. But the waters are so clear and flat that you can see the sandy beaches and all the stingrays and schools of sea life that come by (not many because you are in the lake, not the sea).

Notice that the area is quite large, although the shore, swimming pools, bars, restaurants and front desk are quite near to each other, but the cottages can be very far away. We' ve hear some people say that cycling kills their asses; bicycles are also not always available when the place is full, and they collect them from your front doorstep at nights so they don't wait for you there in the mornings.

There are many sun loungers and table, hand towels and glass ware on the resort's beaches, all easily accessible from the sands. With the paddle boat and the kayak we made a tour through the laguna of the area. Chalets overlooking the Laguna overlooking the resort's beaches. If you are on the inner Laguna, however, you can go to the Laguna Restaurant/Deck and observe the sundown.

When you are extending your budgets and trying to get the cheapest cost cottage (lagoon view and some of the beaches ones), maybe this place is not for you, anyway (see comments on FEEDING below - it's not a budgeted trip). There' s a screen when you're on your decks so you're not near others until you dive into the canal.

It was a big one - a big room, a big bath room with open showers and a big bathtub (which we never used). They can also see that they constantly repair/replace the thatched roof and outside wall of all cabins. Lagoon is definitely the best, although we enjoyed the gourmet food and we had several meals there.

So I think it was $140/person for supper and the show (if you're on the food schedule, would it be another $30/person supplement, maybe? Talking of the food itinerary, we were so happy we had him. For supper on the menu you can select an appetiser, an entry and a desert.

As ours is in 750 ml, this is really only 2 cans each. But what is strange is that the place really does sell its butterer services, and many critics referred to their butterers, but we didn't even know who our butterler was, nor did anyone ever state that they were ours.

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