Where is Micronesia Located on a Map

What is Micronesia on a map?

Mikronesia Flag - Flag of Micronesia. In Oceania, where are the Federated States of Micronesia? To know where the Federated States of Micronesia are on the world map. Almost all of the settlements are located near the coast. It is located east of Guadalcanal and south of Malaita.

Mikronesia on the map of the globe and facts

Know where Micronesia is on the map of the globe, if not Micronesia the Oceania's tropic isles. Mikronesia is a 2,700 sq. km Pacific Ocean island between the Philippines and Hawaii. Most of the isles are small and grouped together.

Micronesia's biggest Guam is 582 sqkm. The Micronesia includes five sovereign states: the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands and Nauru. North Mariana Islands, Guam and Wake Isl. It is the capitol of Micronesia. Mikronesia has been inhabited for a long period of its history and the oldest archeological remains of civilisation date back to 1500 BC.

In 1521, the oldest known contacts were between Micronesians and Europeans. A Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan came into touch with the island and its people ( "Chamorros"), while between 1519 and 1522 he was the first man to circle the world on his Castilian (now Spanish) outing. Castile (now Spain) colonised Guam and other Micronesian isles in the seventeenth cent.

Around this period, in 1832, Jules Dumont d'Urville used the concept of Micronesia to describe the island series. By 1899, America took over most of the post-War Spanish-American Isles, but some were shipped from Spain to Germany (including the Mariana Islands). Micronesia's island ownership returned during the First and Second World Wars after Japan Nauru was given an Aussie tenure in World War II.

Micronesia became self-sufficient in 1986, forty years after America's atomic tests in the Marshall Islands. Micronesia's economic activity consists largely of the Micronesia region, which sells its fishery permits, tourist services and a large amount of external assistance - about 130 million dollars a year from the United States. In Micronesia there is an Ethnic Museum of Fine Arts on the Yap Islands, where you can see the ancient arts of the ancients.

Snorkelling is very much appreciated and scuba diver can see astonishing dive sites and Truk Lagune in Chuuk Island has some of the best shipwreck dives in the world. Mikronesia has a great deal of scenic beauties to discover, with cascades, woods, blue seas, opportunities for tourist activity and there is even an old abandoned town that was once the residence of a cynasty.

Who is Micronesia on the world map?

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