
Lake Tex

Heidi Gudelman's latest tweets (@texlake): Camps Texlake: Maps, directions and information about the surroundings. The Camp Texlake of Girl Scouts of Central Texas is a girls camp in Austin, TX. Forecast for Camp Texlake (Texas), with all weather data like: View the FREE topo map of Camp Texlake a Locale in Travis County Texas on the Pace Bend USGS quad map.

Registration for Summer Camp| Girl Scouts from Central Texas

A $5 delay charge will apply for delayed receipt of the balance. We have a better pay plan this year. Upon first inpayment ( (3) extra cash is due. First of these fees are due 60 nights before the beginning of the camps. Postpayments are due 45 and 21 nights in advance.

You may be asked to make both the deposit and the first deposit if you enrol later than 60 nights before the beginning of the camps. Enrolments made after the last enrolment date (14 nights before the beginning of the camping session) are charged a processing fee of $5. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A DOUBLE NODE LOG-IN FOR OUR WEEKEND BOOKING SYSTEM, PLEASE USE IT FOR YOUR CAMPING APPLICATION.

ifyou do not have a DOUBLEKNOT LOGIN, you can set up one at the beginning of your subscription. Failure to enroll on-line or if you would rather apply on a piece of hard copy, please fill in the enrollment application and return it with the full amount (or a $75 down payment for the pitch) to our camp registrar:

The balance of the campsite reservation must be paid 21 nights before the first date of the campers booking in order to reserve the campsite. It will take 5-7 working hours to process your request. As soon as the application has been completed, you will receive a verification e-mail with further money orders and other camping needs.


Retriever and have had them in our extended range for over 14 years. They are part of our extended home and are reared in a caring home setting, leading to great people. They are brighter in colour and have wider, sturdier body than conventional gold retriever breeds.

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