In which Ocean is new Zealand Located

What ocean is New Zealand in?

Uncovered: The farthest point in New Zealand's interior On Monday, an old-fashioned card and sovereign assisted the winegrowers Crawford and Catherine Brown to locate the farthest point of New Zealand from the ocean and satisfied a 12-year old inquisitiveness. It' very close to the border of Northburn and Bendigo Stations - the Browns were amazed to hear from Bendigo builder John Perriam that it is only about 500 meters from where Ann Scanlan found the infamous Tarras merchino ewe, Shrek, in 2004.

One call to Otago University's Geographic Division came back with the answer that they didn't know where it was either, but "it sounded right in the Dunstans," Mr Brown said today. Mr Crawford worked for hrs on Google Earth to investigate all the options and on Monday brought a portable GPS system into the mountains to find the point.

Australasia and Oceania: Human Geography

The Oceania Archipelago is a diverse and diverse area of the Central and South Pacific. Australia is the smallest of the continents in area. The largest part of Australia and Oceania lies under the Pacific Ocean, a huge stretch of sea bigger than all the world' s main landmass es and isles.

Oceania " is the name of the Pacific Ocean as a distinguishing feature of the area. Oceanía is ruled by the Australian people. Its two other large land masses are the micro-continent of Zealand, which encompasses New Zealand, and the west half of the New Guinea Islands, which consists of the Papua New Guinea people.

There are also three Oceania archipelagos: The country comprises the sovereign states of Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Vanuatu, the Solomon Mountains and the New Caledonia isles. Mikronesia comprises the Marshall Isle, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Kiribati and Nauru, the Northern Mariana Islands, a community in full peaceful communion with the United States, and Guam and Wake Iceland, two areas of the United States.

The Polynesian region comprises the sovereign states of Samoa, Tonga and Tuvalu, the Cook and Nieu Isles, two self-governing isles in free associativity with New Zealand, Tokelau, an archipelago of New Zealand, France-Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna, two groups from France and the United States, American Samoa, an uncorporated area of the United States, and the Pitcairn Isles, a UK area.

The geographical, environmental, resource and humanitarian aspects of Australia and Oceania can be viewed individually. Herographic cultureHistorical culturesIndigenous peoples have influenced the geographical regions of Australia and Oceania. Polynesia, for example, evolved as the South Pacific was studied by seafarers from South Asia. Around 1500 BC, seafarers began to move eastwards from the New Guinea Isle.

Sailing the Pacific very quickly, but can also be manoeuvred and canoeled in harsh weathers. The historical Polyynesian civilization was supported not only by the jib canoe but also by an ingenious navigational system on the basis of star observation, the swell and the flying pattern of the cetaceans. The Polynesians could domestically capture plant and animal life and move it to inhabited areas without indigenous wildlife.

The Polynesians were able to build strong, sustainable societies on the South Pacific isles. Around 1000 AD, these sailors colonised the isles of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. At the same time, they created a singular, ocean-oriented civilization that still exists today. Australian and Oceania tribal peoples also transformed the environment in which they were living.

For example, when they were exploring the South Pacific, the Polynesians took farming to remote isles. Another example shows that the Maori had a significant influence on New Zealand's woods and wildlife. The Maori diminished New Zealand's woodland area by about half between the fourteenth and nineteenth century, mainly through managed fire that was used to clear acres.

For example, the Maori brought dog and rat to New Zealand's isles. A type of birds, the Moas, became extinct within a hundred years of man's advent in New Zealand. Huge Moas that could not travel were such light loot that the Maori could nourish large towns with a simple aviary.

Maoris began to dispose of up to half the birds' weights as unwanted flesh or pointless materials such as plumes. It has also influenced the Australian tribal communities' long-standing convictions and culture practice. Though there are several hundred tribes living in Australia, these groups use the standardized name Aboriginal-Australian or Aboriginal.

In the last ice age, when the level of the ocean was even lower, the Australian coast stretched for miles into today's ocean. Australian and Oceania's wide, oceanic influenced geographical landscape still influences modern culture. Ethnic groups and practice concentrate on the unification of nations and the consolidation of authority in the face of their isolation and small population.

New Guinea is demonstrating this association at country wide scale. Nearly all the country in Papua New Guinea is normally landowned; less than 3 per cent of the country is in private ownership. The objective of culture practice, particularly in sport and the fine arts, is to bring together the island populations of Australia and Oceania at local levels.

New Guinea is the Papua New Guinea nation. Fewer people and a little different regulations than those of New Zealand, Samoa, Fiji and Tonga. Australasia and New Zealand have world-famous sides in both the football leagues and the rugby team. Australasia has won the WFC nine and the WFC twice.

They have often, sometimes together, staged these events and many nations take part in them. Thousands of players take part in the tournament, local matches and friendlies between these nations, making it a truly uniting game. Art is another connecting culture in Australia and Oceania. This is a four-yearly event in another culture.

Over 2,000 people from 27 different nations are attending the event. At the last Pago Pago Samoa International Jazz Festivals, the topic was "Threading the Oceania 'Ula. The' shea symbolises the hospitableness of the Oceanian people. In 2012 the next International Pacific Arts will take place in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Australia and Oceania are linked by the tourist industries. It is the continent's biggest industrial sector in terms of the number of job opportunities it generates and the amount of funding it distributes to the Pacific Islands. However, it can also have a negative impact on the ecosystem and economy of the Australian and Oceania states.

This can overcrowd and deplete the limited resource base of remote island communities. There is overfishing in the areas around many Pacific Isles and parts of Australia. Contamination from vessels and cruisers can pollute the tropics, while the run-off from the island can also contain contaminants. Organisations such as the Oceania Sustained Tourism Alliance want to encourage the sustained exploitation of our planet's primary resource base, preserve biological diversity and adjust to global warming.

Australasia and Oceania's geographic histories and developments are marked by its politics. Historical questionsThe early geographic politics of the Australian and Oceania were marked by the colonisation of Europe. Research began in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, when the discoverer Ferdinand Magellan from Portugal arrived on the Mariana Islands. Today, many nations, especially Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia, have a predominantly EU population and a powerful EU civilisation.

Europe's rulers took Australia and Oceania as their own because they thought it was terra zeroius, a "no man's land" populated by pagan people. During the Second World War and the Cold War, the Australian and Oceania military also changed their military landscapes. Pacific Theatre was the main battlefield between Japan and the Allies during the Second World War.

Over 215,000 troupes of Japan, Australia and America perished in the South Pacific Theatre between 1942 and 1945. In 1942, the Coral Sea Battles took place in the water between Australia, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. This Coral Sea warfare, waged by US and Australia forces against the Imperial Navy of Japan, was significant because it was the first fight in aviation carrier technology to take place in the world.

The city of Gudalcanal belongs to the Solomon Mountains. Resulting from the Australian and Oceania Army Campaign, many areas were handed over to NATO troops, such as the Solomon Isles (United Kingdom), the Northern Mariana Islands and the Marshall Islets. In the Cold War, the remote Australian and Oceania became a favourite place for US, UK and France to conduct atomic tests.

Some of the most popular of these experiences were conducted on the Bikini Atoll, a part of the Marshall Isle. They have had a disastrous impact on people and the environment on the islets. Ignition of the world's first hydro bolt on the Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Isles, has fully evaporated the Elugelab Isle.

CONTINGUAL TopicsThe Australian and Oceania tribes have struggled over the past half-century to expand their civil liberties and culture in their home states. Maori and Aborigines are the major driving forces behind this move. Maori Party was founded in 2004 to defend Maori law in New Zealand.

There are many Maori contributions from the political group. Founding the Maori Business Taskforce to enhance business opportunities, the Maori Business Taskforce securing a multi-million US dollars business plan for environment initiative and an annual $5 million funding to help Maori healthcare companies create cultureally vulnerable outcomes. Maori is also working to include the Waitangi Treaty in New Zealand's constitutional treaty.

The 1840 Waitangi Agreement recognised Maori possession of the country and the Maori gave them the same privileges as the British. However, the Maori were never really implemented and the Maori were mistreated and discriminated against. Today, the Maori party is trying to legitimise the Waitangi Agreement to demand the estates that have been destroyed during colonisation.

Aborigines Australians, like the Maori, can be identified as marginalised populations, or as a group of individuals who are considered to be less important than the vast majority thereof. The Northern Territory National Emergency Response, a federation programme, was launched in 2007 to alleviate the misgivings of Aborigines in Australia's remote Northern Territory.

It imposed penalties on several municipalities indicted for abusive use of children. The United Nations has denounced these penalties as racial. But the Australian authorities are working to ease these conflicts. FuturesAustralia and Oceania's policy and finances are largely based on its commitment to minimising the impact of global warming.

Indeed, many researchers have argued that Australia and Oceania are the worst affected by climatic and geographic changes. Because of rising water levels, the large population of the continent's small island coasts is susceptible to floods and erosions. Global warming has seriously affected many of Australia and Oceania's marine eco-systems, contributing to severe drought in Australia and increasing glacial melting in New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.

Australian and Oceania government and inter-governmental authorities are taking action to minimise the impact of global warming. Under the Copenhagen Accord of 2009, nations such as Australia and New Zealand have reached an understanding to cut CO2emission. Others, such as Tuvalu, claimed that the global treaty unjustly discriminates against less developed nations, especially small islet states.

Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) supports enhanced assistance from the global community to help these islands in their adaptation work. In the framework of the joint Pacific Environment project, the PIF has received around 66 million dollars from Japan to fund photovoltaic and desalinated water production plants.

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