Fanaa Movie Youtube

Film Youtube

Number of YouTube subscribers in real time. adherents Kajol, Aamir Khan, Special Appearance: Choices....

choosing between right and bad is easy, but what determines your lifestyle is choosing between the greater of two goods or the smaller of two ills. Zooni Ali Beg (Kajol) gets this counsel from her dad when she wants to go out into her own realm for the first a while.

She knows little that exactly these words will influence her future. Zooni, a cashmere dummy, encounters Rehan Qadri (Aamir Khan), a Delhi based travel agent and an incurable mistress. It' their season to explore their lives and their loves. Zooni fascinates Rehan and wants her to see things as they should be, in its many colors.

His promise to her that the most valuable experience of her whole lifetime will be her with him. As Zooni sees Delhi, he sees live and loved like never before, because of Rehan. Zooni does not know that Rehan has another side of his existence that he has withheld from her - something that can not only transform her but can also ruin her world.

Full Fanaa Movie 2006's Reality

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