Bay of Islands Weather

Weather in Bay of Islands

Weather, Russell, Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Best time to travel to Bay Islands, including current weather conditions, temperatures and rainfall. Receive the Paihia weather forecast. The best time for this area is February, March or April. Wind, waves & weather forecast Russell/Bay of Islands / Northland, New Zealand for kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing & sailing.

Weather in Northland

Top winds: When the highest blast was registered during the lesson, the highest blast velocity and the highest velocity ended at the specified point in it. Temp: This is the temp. that has been logged at the displayed elapsed since. All the precipitation that dropped during the lesson ended at the specified moment. Top winds: This is the highest breeze heading and velocity registered on the date of the month.

Temp: Highest ('orange') and lowliest ('light blue') weather conditions registered on the date. All the precipitation that dropped during the course of the year. Color of the beam indicates the year or the historic mean. Temp: Historic mean values are the mean max and mean min monthly readings for the last 10 years (if available).

Dates for the last menstrual cycle and the year before are the highest peak and the lowliest peak of the monthly cycle.

Weather and Climate, Bay of Islands Climate, Bay of Islands Weather

Bay of Islands benefits from a semitropical marine environment caused by the southern stream of hot waters from the South Pacific. The Bay of Islands offers year round hot weather with up to 75°F (25°C), even in cold weather. The Bay of Islands offers summers as low as 30°C (around 90°F).

In the Bay of Islands, storms can sometimes occur in summers due to a slowing down cycle. The Bay of Islands has daytime mean temperature ranging from 60°F to 80°F (15°C to 27°C). There is an annual mean precipitation of between 1500mm and 2000mm and an annual mean of 135 sunny working day.

Weather Forecast Bay of Islands, New Zealand

Hottest for the next 7 nights in the Bay of the Islands is August 17 at 68°F ( 20°C) and the hottest at 57°F (14°C) on August 16. Mean temperatures over the next 7 nights are predicted to 17°C (63°F) .

Hottest for the next 14 nights in the Bay of the Islands is August 17 at 68°F ( 20°C) and the hottest at 57°F (14°C) on August 16. Forecasts for the next 14 nights predict an mean of 18°C (64°F).

Hottest of the next 25 nights in the Bay of the Islands is August 17 at 68°F ( 20°C) and the hottest of the nights on August 16 at 57°F (14°C). Mean temperatures for the next 25 nights are predicted to 18°C (64°F) .

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