Yasawa Island Resort and Spa Tripadvisor

The Yasawa Island Resort and Spa Tripadvisor

Ratings and customer reviews for Yasawa Island Resort & Spa. See the list below for the Yasawa Islands to find the perfect accommodation. The Mana Island Resort & Spa in Mana Island. The Yasawa Island Resort & Spa Paradise. View customer reviews about Coralview Island Resort, Yasawa Islands.

New Yasawa Island Resort & Spa Reviews

Absolutely Heaven we adored the resort, the personnel became like a familiy, the beaches were wonderful, we adored the private sphere of our own Boer on the beaches and the tranquility and silence calmed our Soul. It was an outstanding resort. Situated in an outstanding position, with great facilities, services, dining and general atmosphere. As such, other isles are more'commercial'.

We' d suggest the island to anyone who wants luxury and private life.


Have a spa / massage offers at Viwa.....

Hello, Do you have a wellness package at Viwa Island Resort? Viwa Island Resort offers a range of treatments. While you are here you can experience a youthful massaging effect to harmonise your spirit and being. There is a selection of Fiji folk music: a selection of Fiji music: a selection of traditional massages: Maria, our massager, is enchanting and everyone who has received a Maria treatment was very pleased.

Hopefully you will have the chance to experience one of Maria's massage treatments!

The Yasawa Island Resort and Spa FAQ (Yasawa Island)

Here is what travelers have asked, with responses from Yasawa Island resort and spa personnel and other travelers. Ask? Receive responses from Yasawa Island Resort and Spa personnel and former visitors. Commonly asked questions: Is it possible to buy a ticket for one of the area' s main tourist sites at the reception? Will you have to charge separately for a refrigerator?

Retrospect'Yasawa Island Resort & Spa': heaven

This island is wonderful. In addition, there are a lot of corals and nice fishs. They can even be taken to your own island, with sunshades, deckchairs and a cooler with chickens, seafood, lobsters, lettuce and wines and decide when you want to be collected for the comeback.

Even better, you have your own snorkelling spot on the shore. Cot on the veranda and hammock on the sea. Dinner is excellent and the personnel marvellous.

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