Vanuatu Prices Guide

Price leader Vanuatu

Vanuatu Holiday Inn Resort in Port Vila, Vanuatu. Mmele Cascades: Waterfalls Tour Optional One From the hotel lobby this trip starts every day at 9.00 and 14.00 hrs. Our staff will welcome you on a 15 minutes enjoyable ride to Mele Cascades Waterfall outside the townships.

The guide will give you an introductory guide and comments as you travel through the towns and school.

Mele Cascades will guide you through the luxuriant and exotic rain forest, see the indigenous orchards and get to know the cultures and livelihoods of the area. If there is enough free space, you can admire the landscape from our viewpoint.

You will find a range of exotic fruit and cool beverages waiting for your descent at the campus. This will be available at Mele Cascades Riverside Garden. Included in the price: Fully air-conditioned retransfer, experienced guide services, entrance fee for Mele Cascades, views, hot beverages and snacks of Mele Cascades Riverside Garden fruit of the season: camera, mosquito repellent, towel, cash, hiking boots or sneakers.

To see more of Mele Cascade's Waterfalls Route One, click on the pictures.

Vanuatu 2017 Pacific Games Tickets

Get your complimentary tickets! These guidelines will help you to choose the desired ticket(s) for the desired sports and city. Every Pacific Mini Games meeting and every Pacific Mini Games site has a meeting number. To do this, you must find the meeting in the middle of this manual and note the meeting number on the ticketing order now.

All tickets you wish to buy must include the proper meeting codes in the tickets forms. To order a printed copy of the order forms, please insert a sheet of sheet of paper loosely into this guide. You can also obtain this contact sheet at any point of sale. Tickets are available at all seven (7) Au Bon Marche sales points around Port Vila.

Welcome to the Ticket-Guide for 2017 Pacific Mini Games. In this brochure you will find information that will make your ticketing process faster and more convenient. Meeting code is an important part of buying your admission pass. You will find the requirements for the below mentioned cards on the back of each card. Ten (26) kinds of packs are available for the 2017 Pacific Mini Games.

There are 2 different session opening ceremony ticket available, sitting at 3.000Vt and at 1.000Vt. There are also 2 meetings with 3,000 Vt. for the closing ceremony and 1,000 Vt. for stand-up seats. The semifinals of men's football will give you entry to all semi-finals at Port Vila Stadium on Wednesday 13 December 2017 for 1,000 Vt.

The Men's Soccer Finals will give you entry to the big soccer finals at the Port Vila Arena on December 15, 2017. The Korman and Port Vila stadiums are available for 400 Vt per night. The above ticket is available at all seven (7) Au Bon Marche sales points around Port Vila and at the entrances to Korman and Port Vila Stadiums from December 4 to December 15, 2017.

There are seven Au Bon Marche outlets: In order to buy pre-sale or large quantities of your own admission passes, you will need a ticketing order sheet. There are 4 boxes on the order page, the order number, the amount, the piece rate and the overall amount. Please obey the directions to fill in the order sheet.

There is a limit of 10 valid per order ticket. Purchasing restrictions apply to ticket and package purchases as described in the meeting code chart. You can place all large orders (from 30 tickets) through our authorised ticket seller. No refunds or replacements will be given for missing or missing ticket.

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