Vanuatu Map Location

Map Vanuatu Location

In the map below you can see the locations of the volcanoes in Vanuatu: vgn. Empty map of Vanuatu. The Pango Map - satellite images of Pango original name: Pango geographical location: Out of Vanuatu, Australia and Oceania geographic coordinates:

Results for Map, Vanuatu, Samoa

Samoa, Fiji, Tonga & Vanuata - Record Only catalog only - System requirements: Microsoft Word 97 or higher; open Startpage.doc; CD-ROMrive. Track from the record company. Suva, Honiara, Nuku? Alofa, Port Vila, & Apia, 2002 / Catalogue only

A Windows PC with CD-ROM player, Microsoft Word client and ProViewer client and web interface. CD cover. "MapInfo Data and Viewer Authorized Use Only."

layout plan

Just 15 minutes from the city and in the immediate vicinity of Cascade Waterfalls, Hideaway Island, Wet'n' Wild Adventure Park and other sights. "id ":0, "title" : "Mele Island Bar", "listHtml" :""""", "html" :"", "markerHtml" :" " ", "position":{"latitude":-17.69345458864623842, "longitude":168.2671594619751}, "order":0, "icon" : "/DesktopModules/EasyNMaps/Markers/Markers/red/winebar_pin. It is more rocky than corals and there are many hurdles to cross.

"id":0, "title" : "Pango Surf Beach", "listHtml" :""""", "html" :"", "markerHtml" :" ", "position":{"latitude":-17.777019133963126, "longitude":168.29142808914185}, "order":0, "icon" :"/DesktopModules/EasyMaps/markers/blue/default. png", "openHtml":false, "index":6, "mapsCategories":null, "newsCategories" :[{"CategoryID:2, "CategoryName" : "Kite Locations", "Level":0, "ParentCategoryID":null, "PortalID":0, "ModuleID":424, "Icon" : "blue/default. Approximately 45 minutes from Port Villa through the port of Havana and on the edge of Emua. "id":0, "title" : "Oroovy Beach Restaurant", "listHtml" :""""", "html" :""", "markerHtml" :" ", "position":{"latitude":-17.538641562103091, "longitude":168.37715148925781}, "order":0, "icon" :"/DesktopModules/EasyNmaps/markers/rouge/winebar_pin. It is Vanuatu's only adventure park! "id":0, "title": "Wet \"n\" Wild Adventure Park", "listHtml":"", "html":"[GoogleMap|-17.68618113651466:168.25432777404785|type:HYBRID|zoom:15|scrollwheel:true|width:400|height:300|(-17.685935814700457:168. For more information : 24634552001953*Wet n Wild Adventure Park*)]", "markerHtml" :" " ", "position":{"latitude":-17.685935814700457, "longitude":168.24634552001953}, "order":0, "icon" :"/DesktopModules/EasyDNNmaps/markers/green/default. "id":0, "title": "Okeanos Vanuatu", "listHtml":""", "html":"", "markerHtml":" ", "position":{"latitude":-17.746162476164866, "longitude":168.31341147422791}, "order":0, "icon":"/DesktopModules/EasyDNNMaps/markers/green/default. Situated about 3 km from Port Vila, Pango is easily accessible.

Besides a great surfing and kitesurfing spot, you will also find a craft fair here. A 8 km long cruise from Port Vila through the Bellevue area. com/Locations/To-See-and-Do/ArtMID/450/ArticleID/14/Mele-Cascades", "Summary":" The Mele Cascades Waterfall in Vanuatu is a must for a stay or visit in Port Vila. This Vanuatu trip starts from your accommodation in Port Vila City by minibus and takes you past the small city of Mele to the foot of the magnificent creeks.

It is an easier stroll to most places in the city such as e.g. Dining & Bar, Central Square, Currency Exchange etc. com/Locations/To-See-and-Do/ArtMID/450/ArticleID/17/Port-Vila-Main-Market", Summary":" Port Vila Market is the core of Port Vila, where you can get to know the wealthy culture of Ni Vanuatu and the island's influence through crafts, gastronomy, art and culture activity.

"id":0, "title": "Port Vila Main Market", "listHtml":""", "html":""", "markerHtml":" ", "position":{"latitude":-17.740261300596085, "longitude":168.31410148415375}, "order":0, "icon":"/DesktopModules/EDasyNNMaps/markers/green/default. Com/Locations, ArtMID/450/ArticleID/21/Ekasup Culture Village", "Summary":" The Ekasup Lake and Than/ArtMID/450/Ekasup Villa Tours will pick you up from your Port Vila lodging. During this Vanuatu trip you will be welcomed by the chief and the locals in local costume before you enter the town. 15-20 minutes by road from Port Vila, the home is perfectly presented.

The Bakura Beach House has 3 rooms with 3 baths and 6 beds. "id":0, "title": "Bakura Beach House", "listHtml":""", "html":""", "markerHtml":"", "position":{"latitude":-17.715821722448268, "longitude":168.21132659912109}, "order":0, "icon":"/DesktopModules/EDasyNNMaps/markers/purple/hut_pin.

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