Travel to Nuku Hiva

Trip to Nuku Hiva

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Nuku Hiva Airport (NHV) timetables.

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Such cover was organised by International Passenger Protection Limited and taken out by certain Lloyd's insurers.

Nuku Hiva Excursions and Excursions

Drive off with Aniata in her four-wheel drive to explore the luxuriant valley of her home isle of Nuku Hiva. Sightseeing in the town of Taiohae, enjoying the magnificent views of the cove and visiting the beautiful places on this isle. Drive off with Aniata in her four-wheel drive to explore the luxuriant valley of her home isle of Nuku Hiva.

Sightseeing in the town of Taiohae, enjoying the magnificent views of the cove and visiting the beautiful places on this isle. Drive off with Aniata in her four-wheel drive to explore the luxuriant valley of her home isle of Nuku Hiva. Sightseeing in the town of Taiohae, enjoying the magnificent views of the cove and visiting the beautiful places on this isle.

Aboard Contre Temps, a Cataraman Mahé 36 Fountaine Pajot, you will spend a whole afternoon cruising the south-eastern coastline of Nuku Hiva. Archeological places, strolls in the luxuriant valley, swim, lunch onboard? Drive off with Aniata in her four-wheel drive to explore the luxuriant valley of her home isle of Nuku Hiva.

Sightseeing in the town of Taiohae, enjoying the magnificent views of the cove and visiting the beautiful places on this isle.

Best season to explore Nuku Hiva, Polynesia for weather, safety and tourism.

on the basis of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) mean air moisture and air temp. See below for more information on travel and weathers. Nuku Hiva's mean tempera tures hardly varies. Because of the relative air moisture, the climate feels warm all year round and it can rainy almost all year round. When you are looking for the wettest season to go to Nuku Hiva, the warmth is March, April and then February.

Refer to mean temperature per month below. As a rule, the hottest season is the end of March, when maximum temperature is 32.2°C (89.9°F) and seldom falls below 24°C (75.2°F) at noon. At higher air humidities, higher temperature affects us much more, and cooler temperature in strong breezes makes us bitter. The temperature we perceive in the air moisture and windy coldness better depict how warm or cool the days feeling for a single being.

As a rule, the highest levels of a day (monthly average) give the best hint of the current state. When you are looking for arid conditions, the least likely to be significant rainfall in Nuku Hiva is December, January and then February. There is the slightest possibility of it raining or snowing from around the beginning to mid-October.

As an example, there is an annual rainfall of 1 rainfall in the 8 October weekly. On the other hand, it is most likely to be raining or snowing at the end of May, with an annual rainfall of 3 nights on May 21. Where can you find snows in Nuku Hiva?

Meteorological station do not indicate seasonal snows. Notice that a value of 0 for snows in the graphic below either means that there was no snows or that snows are not reported. Below the chart shows the percentage probability of rain and snows in Nuku Hiva. Below is the mean amount of snows on the floor in Nuku Hiva (in).

The Nuku Hiva has some very wet seasons and above sea level air moisture throughout the year. January is the least wet and the wettest one is June (73.3%). The winds in Nuku Hiva are usually quiet. Most windy is September, followed by January and July. In September, the mean windspeed of around 6.9 kts (7.9 MPH or 12.7 KPH) is regarded as a "light breeze".

The highest continuous wind (the highest daytime wind that lasts more than a few moments) is from the beginning to mid-January, when the mean top wind rate reaches 15.1 kts, which is regarded as a medium wind. In the following chart the mean monthly air moisture in Nuku Hiva is shown in percent.

Following graphic shows the maximum and mean windspeed in nodes. The total windspeeds are given in nodes. Are you sure you're going to Nuku Hiva? France-Polynesia is the busyest tourist destination in Nuku Hiva, January, followed by February and June. Hotel and flight rates will be the most high in these seasons, but you can make savings if you buy well in advance. However, if you buy well in advance, you will be able to get the best value for money.

It is unlikely that visitors will come to Nuku Hiva in October. Anyone who is willing to come at these hours will probably find it the cheapest one. Moisture and temperature make this time of year hot to the touch. The maximum values are between 32.1°C (89.8°F) and 29.9°C (85.9°F) with similar temperature in the later heats. The rainfall is somewhat widespread with 8 to 9 significant rainfall per mont.

Autumn is quite sluggish for the tourist industry, making it a good period for those looking for offers. Mid-year seasons have very pleasant meteorological conditions with high temperature, which are pleasant. Most rainfall in these seasons is 8 to 10 daily. June- August is the second most common tourist seasons in Nuku Hiva, so accommodation and other types of accommodation may be a little more expensive.

The maximum temperatures in early springs are between 31.4°C (88.6°F) and 29.7°C (85.4°F), which feels very comfortable in humid and windy conditions. from 7 to 8 countries per week per month. Because of the bad season conditions, the tourist industry is slower, so that it is possible to offer affordable accommodation. Nuku Hiva's seasonal climate is ideal for travellers in this area.

Our averages for this year range from 32.2°C (89.9°F) to 31.1°C (87.9°F). It is raining or snowing quite a lot on average: from 6 to 7 per months.

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