Time in Koror Palau right now

Koror Palau right now

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From Koror to other cities. The time difference between Koror and other cities.

Koror Palau right now

You are now Wed, 15 August 2018. Timezone: PHE - Palau time. Koror, Palau: 2:58:10 AM PWT. Qororor area code: Qororor sunrise: 5:56 am. Coror Sunset: 18:18. View the time differences and the distances between Koror and other cities: Qoror is in the time area PWT - Palau.

Qoror is currently not adhering to daylight savings time. Koror sunrises at 5:56 and sunsets at 18:18. Koror's major airfield is Roman Tmetuchl International ( "ROR"), about 6 km north-east of Koror. The daylight saving time is taken into consideration to show the actual time in Koror.

What time is it in Koror?

Chicago- Koror time differences, distances and time to fly

It is 8156.3 miles (13126.2 kilometers / 7082.9 nautical miles) from Chicago to Koror. Estimated time to fly non-stop from Chicago, Illinois to Koror, Palau: 16 hours, 56 minutes. The daylight savings time is taken into consideration when calculating the hourly differences between Chicago and Koror.

The city is in the CDT - Central Daylight Time Area and is currently monitoring daylight saving time. Daylight savings time ends in Chicago on November 4, 2018. Qoror is in the PWT - Palau time zones and does not currently have daylight savings time. There' s a time gap of 14:0 between Chicago and Koror.

The daylight savings time is taken into consideration when calculating the hourly differences between these two towns. All flights from Chicago to Koror are 8156.3 mile or 13126.2km. That is the immediate flight path or the flight path during the flight.

Chicago-time to Koror time (CDT to PWT):

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