

"The Testudinata" definition: an animal order with turtles and turtles. Recently BOULENGER, Doderlein, Zittel and Lydekker have published more or less extensive works about the Testudinata. A number of different scientific names are used for turtles, including Chelonia, Chelonii, Testudines and Testudinata. Recent findings from the Paleocene of Patagonia (Argentina) on the evolution and palaeobiogeography of Meiolaniformes (Testudinata, new taxon name). The Testudinata, a term used by Klein and adopted by Agassiz, which is synonymous with Chelo kidneys and includes reptiles known as turtles and turtles.


The name Saurodesmus was given by Seeley (1891). Joyce (2017) called it a noun decium. Crocodilia was awarded by Seeley (1891). The name Saurodesmus Roubertsoni was given by Seeley (1891). Joyce (2017) called it a noun decium. Tretosteron punctatum was nominated by Owen (1842). He' s a synthetic type:

the Egerton collection, not detectable until 1889; (2) a partially lefthand plaster in the Bowerbank collection (BMNH 39457), a sub-shell, and it is a stereolith. Swanage/Purbeck (DORCM/BMNH)[Bowerbank Collection], which is located in a Berriassic river and lacustrin lime stone in the United Kingdom, is its name.

It' that kind of tretosterone. Lydekker (1889) and Delair (1958) recombinated it to Tretosterum punctatum and Milner (2004) and Joyce (2017) called it a noun decium. The name Testudo knicklandi was given by Phillips (1871). Lydekker (1889) recombinated it into Protochelys knicklandi and Anquetin and Claude (2008) described it as Nomethubium.

The name Chelytherium was given by Meyer (1863). Gaffney (1986) described it as atomic oblitus, Joyce (2017) as atomicubium. The name Chelytherium obscurum was given by Meyer (1863). Gaffney (1986) described it as atomic oblitus, Joyce (2017) as atomicubium. Crelycarapookus archcuatus was appointed by Warren (1969).

It is NMV P13160, a shell casting, and it is a casting. He is Carapook, near Casterton, which lies in a river sanstone of chalk in Australia. It' the kind of Chelycarapookus. Joyce (2017) called it a noun decium.

The name Probaena sculpt was given by Hay (1903). It is of the CM 917 sub-shell design (three-quarters of the shell and the greater part of the plastron), and it is a 3-D solidossil. It is located in Felch Quarry 1, Garden Park (YPM), in a Cimmeridgian-Tithonian canal, sandstone/claystone in the Morrison Formation of Colorado.

It' the kind of probaena. Gaffney (1979) described it as a noun decium. Protochely's blakyi was nominated by Mackie (1863). It is BMNH 37979, a limbs member (an insulated, slightly squashed right coracoid), and it is a 3-D bodilyossil. It is of the Stonesfield Slate quarry types, located in a Taynton Taynton limestone formation in a bare stone formations of Mt. Stonesfield Marinasand.

Anquetin and Claude (2008) described it as such. The name of Trachydermochelys was given by Seeley (1869). Joyce (2017) regarded it as a noun noodum. This was awarded by Seeley (1869) to Chelonii and by Delair (1958) to Pleurodira. Tragydermochelys plyctaenus was called by Seeley (1869). It is CAMSM 56340-6, a sub-shell (seven circumferential plates), and it is a 3-D solidossil.

It is of the Cambridge Greensand type[unspecific location data] located in an Albanian open flat sub-tidal clay in the West Melbury Marly Chalk Formation of the United Kingdom. Seeley (1869) synonymous it with Plastremys laata, Joyce (2017) called it a noun noodum. The name of Emy's parents was given by Burmeister (1885).

He is MPBA un-cat. and it' a subshell, and it's a 3-D physicalossil. It is of the Barrancas del Rio Parana variety, located in a tortonic naval stone in the Entrerriana formation of Argentina. Maniel and de la Fuente (2016) regarded it as a noun noodum.

The name Platemys sehuensis was given by Ameghino (1889). He is MPBA un-cat. and it' a 3-D bodilyossil. De Broin and de la Fuente (1993) and Maniel and de la Fuente (2016) referred to it as a noun nubium. The name Trionyx mutmillaris was given by Cope (1877).

He is an unidentified 3-D physicalossil. Vitek and Joyce (2015) regarded it as a noun noodum. The name of the town of Oberndorf was given by Meyer (1843). It is BSPG un-cat. is a sub-shell (an almost completed juve-nil ( "Meyer 1860, Pl. 18. 2); now regarded as lost), and it is a 3-D solidossil.

Compsognathus, Kelheim (BSP), is its locality, which is located in a tithonic lagoon or limited flat sub-tidal lime stone in the Solnhofen formation of Germany. Anquetin et al. described it as nouns of dubia (2017). The name of Test-udo Élata was given by Gervais (1877). It is MNHN (material loss), a sub-shell (shell fragments), and it is a 3-D solidossil.

Testudo is a testudo élata typuslocation located in a Miocene/Pleistocene terrestric skyline in Brazil. From Auffenberg (1974) it was recombinated to Chelonoidis Élata, from Oliveira and Romano (2007) and de la Fuente et al. (2018) as noun nubiumd. The name Protochelys was given by Lydekker (1889).

Anquetin and Claude (2008) described it as such. The name of Chelycarapookus was given by Warren (1969). His guy is Chelycarapookus archuatus. Joyce (2017) called it a noun decium. The name of Emy's neo-mayri was given by Seeley (1881). It is IPUW 76/XXI/40, a sub-shell, and it is a 3-D solidossil.

The Muthmannsdorf, which is located in a Campania mouth in the Grünbach formation of Austria, is his name. Rabi et al. (2013) and Joyce (2017) described it as such.

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