

The Telekava family history, genealogy and pedigree. You will find the origin, the meaning of the name Telekava, photos and much more. Tongatapu, Tonga, Nuku'alofa, Kolomotu'a, Telekava. MSc Caroline Telekawa, Bachand Lab.

The Telekava European Cemetery | New Zealand War Graves Project

The graveyard is located on Albert Road, about half a mile to the east of the city. Nuku'alofa, located on the northern shore of Tongatapu Island, is the capitol of Tonga and was used as a navy and military station during the Second World War. The European Sepulchre of Telekava contains a Commonwealth tomb of World War II and a monument to a second dead man who died in the Esiomoheofo graveyard on the island of Eua.

Name of the cemetery: Totally Known Casualties:

Commentaries / T?langa

The name of the 33-year-old man who passed away at the Telekava graveyard this weekends after an attack on Kolomotu?a has been published by local law enforcement. Today a third teenage boy was detained in connection with the deaths of Sione Kasimea Lolohea ''?One?one. One of them was killed after a fight started last Saturday. Following his deaths, a murder inquiry was initiated and two youths were detained and accused of murder last night.

Ulise Ofa Ki Neiafu, 18, and Aloisio Lolohea, 19, were indicted for homicide and today attended the court in Nuku'alofa.

European cemetery of Telekava in Nuku`alofa, Tongatapu

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Surname Origin & Meaning

There is no information about the name Telekava. There is no information about the origin of the name Telekava. There are no alternative spelling or pronunciations to the name Telekava. The name Telekava has no information about its race.

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