Samona Lodge

Chalet Samona

The Samona Lodge is located in the nature reserve Cuyabeno. There is a brand new restaurant and bar area with incredible views of Lake Garzacocha. Hé tout le monde, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait recommander Samona Lodge ou Bataboro plus que l'autre. All you can expect from Amazon tours in Ecuador (with Samona Lodge) + a travel video! Guiacamayo Lodge - Samona Lodge - Siona Lodge.

Last minutes Galapagos | Pichincha

Over 25,000 plant types of the Amazon region account for 20% of the atmosphere's atmosphere oxyfull. Furthermore, 66% of the world's freshwater is found here. You' ll be surprised when you wander through the jungles, where about 400 plant types have been discovered on one area.

Wonderful colored bird, of which there are 500 types, flies over head. Apes, sloth, anteaters, Armadillos, tapir, jaguars, manatees and freshwater sharks are just a few of the freshwater dolphin life here, as well as a wide range of animals such as serpents, caimans and the great deaconda and a large number of sharks, among them paiches (Arapaima) which are over 3 metres long and the infamous Piraanha.

I' d like to go to the Amazon, but I must confess I have a.....

I' d like to go to the Amazon, but I must confess I have an insect repellent. From afar I can deal with them as if a leader were pointing at a page, that would be okay. Or are there any rooms in this lodge with locked down walls and door?

It' out in the open and it' very bugged, just like it is in the Amazon. There' s bets on the cot, but you have to put it under your pillow once you're in it.

Samona Lodge Jungle Tours - Cuyabeno Resort

We' been in Yate Darwin for five straighteners. He was very professionally and said many interesting things. After 3 week in Ecuador we visited Ecuador for 5 nights kuyabeno (Samona Camp) - 3 nights and 9 nights Galapagos (7 nights cruise)..... It was a wonderful place, the meal was delicious, the leader was very good.

Help, he organised our whole journey, it all went so well and so a great-looking travel great lodging situation I would very..... We' saw a great many beasts and the leader, Neiser, was the best. We' re booking an 8-day tour to the Galapagos on the San Jose.

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