Samoa Tourism Statistics

Statistics Samoa Tourism

Sudden decline in tourist numbers can be seen according to a. The STA newsletter is now online. Stats from the World Factbook.

Countryside tourism and business: Leadership, marketing and sustainable development

He is teaching tourism, hotel and catering and research methods in the Department of Commerce, Industry, Marketing, Innovations and the Recreation. He has a doctorate in tourism and service provisioning. He focuses his research on service managment and tourism food & beverage/events and tourism sustainability and tourism design and plan. Editor Peter Robinson is Head of the Centre for Tourism and Hospitality and Leeds Beckett University, UK.

Previously, he was Principal Lecturer and Head of the Leisure Department at the Law School of the Law School at the Law School of the Law School of the University of Wolverhampton, where he was also in charge of the Arena Theatre, a academic art center.

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Dealing with Samoa tourism questions

This article addresses issues that have been posed in Phil Cummings' most recent contribution In pursuit of Sustainable Tourism. I have stated in my publication Analysis the Samoa Tourism Crisis und on line post that there was no crises, but that there were too high hopes; that Samoa has difficulty to understand the fundamental causes and effects; that policy makers and administrators will never be effective in this area.

So, of course, the discussion was over and Samoa was and we all came down on him for a few sneakeeks! She can withstand major changes and is very calculable! Also I found out that this small insular people wanted to be seen as a leading force in the field of tourism - interested, I wanted to know more.

There is Samoa in a very secluded part of the globe. Rainy and arid seasons mean NOTHING PRACTICAL for everyone, whether in Samoa or elsewhere. Samoan government's long-term objective is to "improve the standard of living for all" and the key issue of its Samoa 2012-2016 strategy for developing is "increasing production for sustained development".

Like other Pacific Islands, tourism is becoming more and more important for Samoa. About 1/3 subsidys/transfers, 1/3 tourism, 1/3 productiveness. samoanic statistics, especially in tourism, are not as clear as you think. There is nothing new about the concept that tourism should take account of the need for tourism to develop sustainably. Whether the present paradigm of bulk tourism can ever be truly lasting is also questionable.

How's Samoa handling it? In this year Samoa even made it on the world' s top ten best ethics destinations. This year' s edition of Samoa's Traveller also provided some insight into why Samoa is on this year's shortlist, as well as some points for improvements and more. You see this.... it's extremely important for Samoa's leader that they look good.

Samoa wants to go further. The Samoan Tourist Authority (STA) has established the target in its Samoa Tourism Sector Plan 2014-2019 that Samoa should be a tourist region by 2019: To be considered the Pacific's premier tourist resort for tourism that respects the environment. All in all, however, it is only anyone trying to earn a dollar and sustaining it means getting the cash to buy groceries, alcohol, cigarettes and whatever the churches tell them to give.

This has been combined with the high-level political ideal of the UN Millennium Development Goals and is now seen as an important chance to implement the new UN sustainability goals. STA' s blueprint takes over the comprehensive definitions of sustainability tourism from UNEP and the World Tourism Organisation, which is as follows: (!):

To sum up, the basic elements of the tourism sector's plans for sustained tourism should guarantee that tourism trends make the most of the environment on which they are based and identify a number of priorities to tackle both the problems of consumption and the problems of supplies which affect the industrial sector's economic and social upturn. The tourism is climate-dependent as well as weather-dependent.

As in large parts of the Pacific, the effects of climatic changes are an important topic for Samoa. The tsunamis and hurricanes that Samoa has had for much longer than we have known. This is why most Samoans were living outside the ocean. Only recently have they been attracted to living where the tourist wants to be.

There are now some exemptions - yes, some of the deciduous trees at some sites were cut down by US mills and the Samoan élite profited a few centuries ago, especially in Savaii, and yes sometimes voracious humans grind more than I think, but the Samoan way of planting is rotary - you go up-country, clear a piece of land, plants, harvests and next move to a different area.

Now, logging was a transient problem (and I'm not sure if it is) in ANY area around the Apia basin, and this has prompted the officials to scold and swarm a little. But it is just not a "topic" in Samoa that is worth to write about. All of us cultivate our country sustainably - all of us.

He and Samoa would go from 95% organically to 99. 99% over night. Some Matai are hungry now, but Samoa has been around much longer than the panic-makers! This would be a normal hypothesis, but Samoans do not change their way of life for anyone or anything and above all not for any reason that you describe.

When Samoan tourism starts to take off (and it won't be like I've already written), what will be happening is that certain individuals will benefit with the "wo-with everything" (capital, skills and desires). There are only two things about Samoa - country and work. Samoa also generates a considerable amount of rubbish for a small insular state and faces a number of infrastructural problems.

First of all, you must realize that waste is a strange word to Samoans. The Samoans will keep them so their homes look good. There is no Samoa puppy trouble. Child deaths in Samoa are quite high. The majority of programs in Samoa are geared to the profit of the participating red tape or should look good.

However, in the sense of a singular and expressive event, Samoa does this in Peak. In spite of several hundred years of continental influences, Samoa preserves its historic traditions, cultural system and languages. It is my understanding that all tourist activity must be agreed with the village and the chief. Yeah, and that's a big problem.

It is a matter of globalisation, but there are exemptions and it is not necessarily a matter - it is just the way it is. The Samoan civilization is a Samoan response to the Matai, their chief. However, there is the opinion that the tourism sector has had (and possibly always had) a struggle in recent years.

Most of Samoa's guests come from New Zealand, Australia and the neighboring American Samoa. They do not necessarily pay much for tourist service, but rather the largest part of their living expenses for their family. When most of the Oceaniagoers come to expand the industry, I think Samoa will have to look beyond the horizon to draw new tourist from other areas.

Samoa's issue is getting more and more serious and not better, because they do not know how to commercialize it - time. Samoa's tourism board changes its place - nothing will be changed. I' m working at the bottom of the village, help the Samoa population, play with Samoan Voluntourism for years and open my home to backpacker tourists.

But Samoa is not doing well - not at all. It is also not the busiest sailing destination for cruisers. Samoa's guides are good-looking people, especially the STA and its accounts and maps, and so on. It is not Samoa's business to think strategically. When a Samoan gets a football, say, "Go!" and there's nothing on the surface that can stop him.

Not a Samoan family. There is a Samoan crew in certain locations that match their abilities and others in the locations that determine the game. Also in tourism - the passions and arrogance and the egos are there, but not the strategical abilities - as shallow as a pancakes.

That is an important point that Phil addresses and that we have addressed in the SWAP programme, the home of Samoa Voluntourism. How one man and a hundred dollars can accomplish more, permanent and material benefits for Samoa than anything the VSA has ever done in a year.

Many will want to profit from an increase in tourism, but probably not at the cost of Fa'a Samoa - their tradition of living. Ironically, it can undermine the genuineness that Samoa is trying to undermine. However, there are two things about Faa Samoa that we need to divide, and that is because Samoan civilization is very adaptable.

Don't overreact to Faa Samoa. It'?ll last as long as any Samoan. Be worried about Faa Samoa, because he will be selling his spirit when the chance presents itself. There is an authentical experience in Samoa and even in a tourist crowd they still would, because Samoans are champions at giving and giving what they have for what they want.

There' will be no such thing as massive tourism in Samoa - never - so the subject is controversial. That is the problem. Samoa's environmental challenge is not unique to certain topics such as tourism, forest degradation and so on. However, in January 2013, SWAP started a program named Club Samoa that does this, and although I cannot forecast the outlook (with the exception of more of the same age group), it has the capacity to deliver true Samoa tourism in the broader meaning of the name.

No matter how good the GSTC criterions may be, sustainable development is more than just a good performance against a number of performance measures. On the one hand, this can give a misleading picture of how well Samoa is doing in terms of sustainable development. Award-winning points and I can reassure you that Samoa's guides are all about looking good - advise which way they will be leaning!

The promotion of eco-tourism is not just about welcoming all the good things. It is imperative for Samoa to be able to gauge the gulf between where they are now and where they need to be in the near term - and to be very open about it. Does Samoa currently focus on "mass tourism"?

I' d say no.... But if it's a one-of-a-kind, slower and more genuine adventure, Samoa is the right place to be!

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