Places to go in Bora Bora

Sights in Bora Bora

At first, when I saw Bora Bora as a target for my friend Escape, I was not convinced that it was for me. Which is the cheapest place to get this ticket? On this website you will find options for sea voyages from Papeete to Bora:. is a tremendously expensive target. All ("food and activities") range from "expensive" to "indescribably expensive".

What you can do in Bora Bora

The Bora Bora meets all expectations of the quaint Poleynesian Isle. Situated 143 kilometres (230 kilometres) north west of Tahiti in the South Pacific, Bora Bora Bora Bora is only six kilometres long but has two massive volcano tops and a shimmering blue Laguna surrounded by a huge reindeer herd. Along a beautiful chain of sandy islands, splendid above-water straw-roofed cottages -- South Sea hiding places for famous people and wedding travelers' legends.

It is covered with high palm trees and extends more than three kilometres around a small promontory that rises into the sand-plain. Crystalline water is flat up to the top of the sea. Discover Bora Bora Bora's blue sea with a snorkel trip through freshly chopped fruits at the ship's captain's home moto.

The Bora Bora luxurious hotels have countless cocktail and food choices, but make sure you get out of your coconut occasionally to taste the flavours of the area. The Bora Bora Yacht Club is a vibrant waterhole with a breathtaking backdrop for a relaxed dinner with crisp yoghurt and almonds.

Bora Bora Bora and its moto' are teeming with an abundance of sea creatures that no fish tank can offer: schooling of gentle black tip shark, morays and sea tortoises. Thousands of other tropic sea creatures are at home in the blue play area.

Transport from Papeete to Bora Bora - Bora Bora Forum

We' re going to Club Med and come to Papeete with mileage. There is an alternate to the $400 flight cost of the Tahiti Airport from Papeete to Bora Bora. Is there a boat or a boat taxi we can take?

Can' we just sit here and relax till we get to Papeete? There'?s no other good way from Papeete to Bora Bora? Thanks, see this web page for elections on Travel from Papeete to Bora by sea: However, please note their warnings below, as the trip by boat from Tahiti to Bora Bora is not really convenient for the average holidaymaker on a one or two-week trip:

"From Tahiti and other isles, the following vessels and ferryboats sail to Bora Bora at relatively short distances. $735 through Expedia for a round trip to Bora Boera? You must have bought the supplement.

I' ve tried Travel Portfolio, but they wanted my national insurance number along with my plastic cards. There' s ways to safe your wallet when you go to Club Med, but you need to know the "secret".

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