Photo of Hawaiian Islands

The Hawaiian Islands

Pictures of beaches, jungle, volcanoes, +. No information available for this page. Despite this disturbance, I would use it again. Explore Elizabeth Carmel Prints > Hawaiian Islands of Elizabeth Carmel. A talented photographer with a passion for the celestial landscapes of Hawaii.

When I look at these photos, I can see why.

Pictures from Creative Hawaiian Island | Pacific Islands

Over the biggest oceans of our earth are speckled thousand of small islands. This outpost of living hosts a rare and threatened wildlife above and below the water. I' ve only just started exploring this part of our world, but I am hoping to see many more islands over the years.

Everyone has their own distinctive scenery, fauna and people. The Hawaiian Islands are home to a spectacular and diverse scenery thanks to the altitude differences from the tropic reef to over 13,000 volcano tops and the impact of the predominant Tradewind ( "we and luxuriant forest" on the east - wind averted - side of the islands and a dryer, sunnier scenery on the west - wind averted - side).

Also on the large isle, the scenery is continuously altering due to the periodic vulcanic activities.

The Hawaiian Islands (NASA, International Space Station, 07/28.....

At 225 sea-mile above the Hawaiian Ridge in the North Pacific, one of the 40 members of the expedition's international space station crews took this diagonal view of many of the islands in the Hawaiian range, some of which were accentuated by the sun's rays. In the right centre, Hawaii or the "Big Island" is largely cloudy.

The Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai and Molokai are easier to see because of the sunshine near the centre of the image. At the bottom centre, Oahu is almost completely covered by niihau and kauai. A part of one of the modules of the outer post of the satellite is visible in the upper middle.

Read more about research on orbital stations: NASA's photos are made available for publishing by newsgroups and/or for private use by the photographer(s) concerned. Photos may not be used in any material, advertisement, product or promotion that in any way implies NASA's permission or acceptance.

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