Oahu places of interest

Attractions of Oahu

Savings on skip-the-line access to the main attractions throughout the city. The Waikiki is the heart of Honolulu, if not the entire Hawaiian Islands. Oahu Lanikai Beach and your guide. Oahu Guidepost Concierge and Travel Professionals have unrivalled knowledge of the North Coast and the sights of Oahu. Find more ideas about Waikiki Beach, resorts and beach resorts.

Tourist map of Oahu with sights

Oahu Tourist Card contains places of interest that we suggest for the family. You can click on any point of interest on this interactivity card to see more information such as a descriptive text, an overview, a photogallery, an adress and a website linked to each town. Under this Oahu chart is every single list of pilots with hyperlinks to get a route plan or to display the list in a full size one.

Please click on one of the Points of Interest Marker for further information and useful spreads.

15 activities for children on Oahu

The Oahu has a wealth of children's fun and games if you know where to look. Photograph by kind permission of Dolphin Quest. If you' re on Oahu, you have to swim with the cetaceans. The children can learn how to communicate with them in a 26,000 sq. metre camp. Picture: Take a tour by trying different reproductions from Island Snow in Kailua to Matsumoto Shave Ice in North Shore.

Photograph by kind permission of Amir Zakeri. It is an interactivity centre with pedagogical activity and children items, it is a great choice for a wet and sunny outing. And Oahu has some of the best beaches for children. Photograph by kind permission of Shelly Lyons. Botanic parks are the ideal place for children to romp and explor. We will take your picture on your return.

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