

Locate surf camps in Korolevu. Check prices, read reviews and see pictures of all surfing holidays and excursions in Korolevu. Use the following list to find hotels & motels in Korolevu. Current and current weather in Korolevu, Fiji, is updated regularly. Reserve your hotel in Korolevu now.

Toot or not?

Saving varies depending on origin/destination, duration, date of your visit and chosen itineraries. When you do not get an ATOL certificate, the reservation is not ATOL-protected. However, if you obtain an ATOL certificate but not all parts of your journey are included, these parts are not ATOL-protected.

Such cover was organised by International Passenger Protection Limited and taken out by certain Lloyd's insurers.

Khorolevu Hotels

Visitors can enjoy relaxing by the pools, exploring the resort's tropic garden or taking part in a wide range of outdoor pursuits including bow shooting, playing golf, playing golf, snorkelling, diving as well as kayaking. There are buffets and a la cuisine and a la cart offer a wide range of regional, foreign and traditional cuisines. There is a swim-up area by the pools. Featuring traditional Fiji, Asian and overseas food as well as shellfish specialities, the hotel offers a wide range of drinks.

Embedded between luxuriant exotic backyards and a palm-fringed sandstrand and a breathtaking lake, Crusoe's Retreat is a welcoming, private, traditional Fiji resort. Crusoe's Retreat is the most memorable experience our visitors have of their visit, the quality of life they have with our kind native collaborators and the quality of life they have in our neighboring town.

If you are planning a fiji honeymoon, a funny and thrilling fiji adventure, a fiji diving tour, an unforgettable fiji wedding or just a restful fiji holiday, Crusoe's Retreat offers you a uniquely cultural Fiji resort. The Wellesley Resort is situated on a quiet, sandy and quiet sandy shore with a beautiful lake and an open-air bath.

It is ten (10) kilometers from Vunanui Bay. Recreational chairs on the beaches or by the swimming pools.

Surfcamps and holidays in Korolevu

Take a windsurfing break or a windsurfing holidays in Korolevu, Fiji. The Fiji windsurfing is renowned for being quite astonishing! If you are looking for a small, peaceful place in Fiji for windsurfing and snorkelling, we suggest Korolevu. Book a place at a windsurfing campsite in Korolevu, Fiji and have your best windsurfing holidays ever!

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