Keats Island Map

Map of Keats Island

A map of Keats Island (British Columbia / Canada), view from the satellite. This is an overview of the country and the paths on Keats. keats-map(trail). Situated on Keats Island. Please click here for an interactive map - Click here for an interactive map.

and Keats Island and surrounding area.

Keat Island

Little Keats often seems underdeveloped. There' are many residential areas, such as Eastbourne, Melody Point and Keats Camp, but many of them are empty. There are paths that cross most of the island, but many of them are on privately owned property. This is an outline of the country and the paths on Keats.

The Eastbourne has a municipal system of drinking and waste disposal, fire extinguishers and a landing stage. There are 10 acres in the northern and western parts of Eastbourne, all of which are in private ownership. There are six plots directly at the waterside - 3 at the northern end and 3 at the southern end (next to Andy's Beach).

Possessions of wells supply these plots with drinking wells. Northern coast: Between Barnabas Camp and Cotton Point there are about 25 plots in the northern part of the island. All of them have a small front of fresh waters and can be reached on foot or with the sea. This is not related to the network.

CHRISTIAN: Melody Point: Several huts encircle Melody Point between Barnabas and Plumper Cove Provincial Park. It is mainly a means of accessing the sea, although the Barnabas Road is connected to some of them. You have a self-governed system of waters and a shared plot on the hills. Stumpy Cove properties: Between Plumper Cover Marine Park and the tenants of Keats Camps there are a number of plots on the waterfront.

Most of these characteristics are long and slender and extend to the highest peak. There' s a well developed track that runs behind these plots and the Plumper Cover and Islands Trust is working to make it a park land. In most cases, these features are only suitable for walking or canoeing. Dumpling Cove Marine Park:

Barnabas: The Keats Camps: The Keats Landing tenant: More than 100 huts are located around Keats Camps in the northern, southern and western areas near the camp's main waterfront (Hard to Come By Cove). There' s a scheme that has been in progress for some years to divide and divide these real estate privat.

Had that been the case, Keats Landing would have the second highest density of land owners after Eastbourne. Sheats Landing has an energetic tenant association, fire brigade, jetties, tracks and some highways. Attributes of Corkum: Most of the rest of the island (about 300 acre in the centre) is in the hands of the whole population. The property is mainly kept as a wooden plot and there is a domicile on one of the three large plots.

Part of the plot is divided with Barnabas, but most of it is unspoilt woodland with selected felling and quarrying. This country encompasses some of the most beautiful parts of the island, such as Wandering Trail, Pebble Beach, Bridgeman's Bluff and the Highest Peak trails. One part of the challenges for further preservation on Keats Island will be adequate plans for this site in the years to come.

The KICG attaches great importance to accessing specific Keats sites on this area.

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