Kapiti Weather Forecast

Weather forecast Kapiti

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Paraparaumu Aero's climate history in July | Local

Wellington in January has mean daytime highs of 23°C with an mean of 16°C and June a mean of 15°C with 9°C as a mean high. Wellington' wetest months are July, averaging 122. 0 mm rainfall, while the dryest months is January with 52.

Information below provides details of historic mean weather events as well as unusual weather outcomes. In order to obtain the relevancy for actual weather tendencies, the information shown was derived from the last two decades' datas. During July, the daily temperature will generally peak at about 12°C, which is about 54°F.

During the nights the mean min. temp falls to about 3°C, that is 38°F. Recently, the highest July temperatures were 18°C, that is 64°F, with the lowest-temperature -4°C, about 25°F. In July the mean dayly rel. humidities are about 82%. Heat index is a measurement of how warm it will feel when the RH is added to the real ambient climate.

In general, at mean peak temperature and relative humidities, you should not experience any inconvenience due to overheating. (See Hot Index for more information). It has an annual rainfall of 63 mm, which is 2-inch. You can count on rains or drizzly on 17 day a week throughout the whole months.

The daily duration of solar radiation is calculated on the basis of our previous forecast figures. In July, you are expecting the equatorial solar radiation to reach an annual mean of 5 hrs per year. It is the mean number of hrs per days that the solar system is exposed to and not covered by clouds, e.g. the mean number of hrs that the solar system actually is and shines outside.

Please be aware that we are calculating the duration of solar radiation per days with the help of our previous forecast and not with the help of observational information, so this is an estimation and not current information. In July the mean windspeed was about 15 km/h, which corresponds to about 9 or 8 kts. During the last few years the max. continuous windspeed has been 63 km/h, which corresponds to 39 or 34 kts.

July is affected by fog on less than a single date on averaging. It is a very private thing to have the right amount of warmth. We' ve developed our own swim temp index, which provides a guideline for swim temperatures and comforts; in July, the mean ocean temp for the next seaside resort is 12°C, 54° Fahrenheit.

These graphs show the annual weather trend with information on weather monthly avg. and extreme. In the graph below, the mean high and low temp for each of the months of the year is shown. This also displays the max. and min. logged temp. Below is the graph showing the rainfall on the basis of mean rainfall. On the graph below you can see the mean number of rainy nights in a given year.

Below is the graph of the mean windspeed you can anticipate for each and every day of the year. This also shows the max. continuous windspeed for every single months.

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