How to get to Chatham

Getting to Chatham

So how long does it take to get from London to Chatham by train? Trothod, Rochester, Chatham, Gillingham and Rainham. They all have frequent connections from London Victoria and Charing Cross. Directions Plan your visit. The best public transport connections to Chatham, Chatham (A) train station are provided by Moovit.

London to Chatham trains - train schedules & fares

So how long does it take to get from London to Chatham by rail? It takes an approximate of 1 hr 9 min to get from London to Chatham. Quickest driving is 1h 6min. There are 216 daily services from London to Chatham on an averagesday.

Travelling may be longer on Saturdays and Sundays. Is there a line from London to Chatham? Yes, it is possible to get from London to Chatham without changing planes. Please use our trip scheduler above to get your own rail connection from London to Chatham. When are the first and last flights from London to Chatham?

There' s a 12:07 a. m. express from London to Chatham. Last London-Catham service leaves at 12:47. Fewer scheduled flights may be available on the weekend and on bank holiday; use the above planner to find a particular flight on the date of your choice.

The Chatham Station | Train to Chatham - Trainline

Well-known for its nautical heritage and phenomenal shipyard productivity. Situated on the railway line, the railway terminal has a sun-drenched outer surface and arched sash. It is a welcome view, as the train terminal is located between two junctions and the train enters the city, which is surrounded by black. Chathamâs outstanding sights are just a short coach trip away and comprise Fort Amherst, a Georgia fort constructed to preserve the shipyard; the Royal Engineers Museum with armour and a Harrier jumbo; and the 80 acre historic shipyard with battleships and life boats.

You will find the train stations front door on Railway Street. There is a store, change rooms, automatic ticketing and an ATM. Access to the train stations is via a staircase beyond the ticketing gates with station 1 (towards London) on the right and 2 (towards Gillingham, Ramsgate and Dover) on the other.

Ticketing Machinery: Opening Times Ticketing Office: Found Things Available: Phones: Help Points : Bicycle memory available: Bicycle memory CCTV: Ramp for trains: Induction loop: Induction loop: Available ticketing machines: Barrier-free switch: Barrier-free taxi permit:

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