How old is Easter Island

So how old is Easter Island?

Were they familiar with the mysteries of the islands? The Easter Island is one of the best hikes in Chile and one of the best in the world. The Easter Island is not very big, so it is easy to reach on foot or by car. Rapa, compared to the smaller ones. Taha Tai is one of the most traditional hotels on Easter Island.

Luxurious holiday Easter Island | Visiting Ahus & Moai statues

Anyone who has made these rock carvings and when will remain an unresolved secret, but it is believed that the island has been populated since the beginning of the first century AD and that the mai islands are several hundred years old. Santiago is five hours away by plane to give you an impression of how insulated Easter Island is, and the closest island is Pitcairn, 1,200 northwest.

It' s known that there were many people living on the island, during this period they were fighting with each other and damaging the world. It' s not known why these huge'Moai' statues were created and why most of them were damaged.

RAPAMYCINE - the Easter Island agent that prolongs the life of oldice.

It was 1964, and a group of cancer researchers had crossed the Pacific to Easter Island to investigate the condition of the remote area. Under the eyes of the island terraces, they gathered a multitude of ground specimens and other biologic materials without knowing that any of them would produce an unforeseen wealth.

RAPAMYCINE was called after the name of the island spring - Rafa Nui. Skipping 35 years and rapidcycin has made a breathtaking trip from the bottom of a Pacific island to the other clinics of the globe. However, the drug has an even more interesting capability and one that has just been detected - it can prolong the life of at least a mous.

A group of 13 US researchers led by David Harrison, Randy Strong and Richard Miller have found that rapid-mycin pods can prolong the life of eating animals by 9-14%. This is particularly astonishing considering that the animals were already 20 months old at the moment of being fed, which corresponds to a 60-year-old person in years.

While there will no doubt be news announcing the detection of the source of young talent or the like, it is crucial to say that this is not a substance that humans should take in order to prolong their lifes. Rapidamycin has a number of side actions, among them, as already noted, the capacity to repress the immunity system.

It can do more good than bad," says Harrison, "because we don't know the optimum dosages or timing to begin with anti-aging cures. It is much better to see it as a gate to learn more about the fundamental biological aspects of aging and to develop other chemical products that can offer the same benefit without the undesirable hazardous side effect.

Rapamycin's new forces were identified in the National Institute on Aging Interventions Testing Program (ITP), an aggressive research program that is testing potentially life-prolonging substances in a mous. Once the drug makes it through the first screen, it is screened in three separate labs in Maine, Michigan and Texas in the body of different genetic different micra.

Rabamycin has a particularly interesting effect because it is a well-studied and very highly specialised medication. This works by inhibiting a solitary proteinaceous substance - an endogenous TOR or'target of rapamycin'. TOR can now take on a very particular honor - it is the first proteome that has been shown to affect the life of each of the four types of models used by researchers to investigate ageing: yeasts, larvae, flies and, now, mouse.

By consuming fewer carbohydrates (without exceeding the limit of malnutrition), the lives of a mouse and other rodent are longer and their GATE becomes less inactive. It is possible that RAPAMYCINE imitates the effect of consuming fewer fats and offers the same anti-aging advantages without the pet actually having to consume less nutrients. Caloric dietary supplements do not do much to a mouse when they start after 550 working day, and they always cause an understandable reduction in body area.

However, older mouse can also profit from rapid-mycin without slimming down. Up to a certain degree, the effect of the medication may coincide with that of caloric reduction, but it seems to have much more effect. Medicines based on rapid-mycin are even used to cure some cancers and are being investigated as an antagonist.

The ability to combat cancers would certainly help to prolong their lives, but when Harrison, Strong and Miller carried out an autopsy on some of their mouse, they found that it did not prolong their lives by preventing a certain category of diseases. Identifying exactly how rapidamycin and TOR influence the lifetime of a mouse, and indeed whether the same effect can be replicated in humans, will probably take years of interesting research.

Our expertise on rapid-mycin is already hard-fought in its current form. It was the outcome of a "happy accident" that led to the company's choice to supply the medicine to very old cats. Initially, the scientists found out that the simple addition of the medication to the animals' food did not lead to high hematological values.

Meanwhile, the mouse that had been allocated to the trial made some progress. This would normally reduce the likelihood that any of the chemicals would successfully increase their chances of surviving, but it gave Rpamycin the chance to show what it could do. It was less by chance that the groups in the Michigan and Texas labs made a mistake in mouse mating.

Different chows were used for the rapid-mycin and the controls, so the pre 600-day diet was slightly different for the different group. Admitting the mistake bluntly ("we thought they were equal"), Harrison finds that in these laboratories the men who consumed rapid-mycin already had lower mortality than those who did not start taking the medicine before they had to.

Because of these mistakes it would be hard to say whether the longer life of the animal is due to rapid-mycin or some other dietary use. She reared all her mice on exactly the same nutrition before Rpamycin was added to the mixture, and they also saw that the drug prolonged the life.

Females from all three laboratories added additional rigor to the results - their lifespan only began to diverge when one group began their diet of rapid-mycin. However, there are many issues to answer, not least what happens when the medicine is administered to a mouse at a young age. However, there are many of them.

You have started feeding capsule formulations of rapidamycin to only 270 day old rats, and so far these individuals are also die at lower mortality levels than their mates.

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