French Polynesia Islands Map

Polynesia-French Map

Geographical map of Hereheretue Island. Locate Hereheretue Island on a map and search for other weather locations. ((A) Map of the French Polynesian Islands. Pacific islands of Thomson. French Polynesia on the map of Europe.

om_notes="mw-headline" id="Notes_and_references">Notes and references

Introductory information on countries, dependencies and regions is provided in the mother tongues and in English. French Polynesia is an archipelago dependent on France in the Pacific, about 6 000 km east of Australia. French Polynesia is an overseas community currently governed by Organic Law No 2004-192 of 27 February 2004.

France-Polynesia is a French territorial area (French: territorial d'outre-mer, or DOM-TOM) with the special name" overseas county " (French: pay d'outre-mer, or POM) in the South Pacific. There are sea frontiers with Kiribati, the Cook Islands and Pitcairn Islands. Tahiti is the most popular of the Society Islands, which is also the most populated of the islands, and the headquarters of the Papeete, the capitol of the area.

Though not part of its territories, ? Clipperton Island is managed from French Polynesia. Other picturesFrench Polynesia - French Polynesia (category). In this section you will find a brief overview of the French Polynesian region of today, accompanied by a map, which includes historic cards of former lands and kingdoms that covered French Polynesia of today.

In 1595, explorers from Spain and England began exploring what is now French Polynesia. The chieftains of the Marquesas Islands relinquished independence to France in 1842; other islands were annihilated as French colonies in Oceania until 1900. By 1903, the villages were merged into French-Ocania. In 1946, French Oceania became French territories and in 1956 was given autonomy within the country.

Then it is transformed territory of French Polynesia. France-Polynesia gained more independence in 2004 and its statute was transformed into a French international state. This page contains hypertext and general information and referrals. Historic charts are contained in the continental, national and dependence records.

Former map of lands more or less maintained by a current land or containing an area in only one or two lands will be added to the current country'stlas.

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