French Polynesia Art

Polynesia-French Art

Improve your space today with French Polynesia posters and prints you love. This gallery shows breathtaking and unique works of art by the most talented French Polynesian artists by Raimana POROI, a passionate collector. Hip movements like rippling water, men dancing in palm leaf loincloths and percussion that moves the original soul are reason enough to visit French Polynesia. The Polynesian art and culture, on the other hand, remains. This short film features a local artist explaining this evolving tradition.

Tahitian art galleries and museums

It'?s also art historical. Tahiti's museum and gallery visits should be at the top of the agenda for every tourist, from getting to know some of the most important French artist to the unbelievable story of the early Polynesians. Tahiti's culture, literature and art are uniquely diverse. Take some of your own free and easy walks through the city.

Tahiti's dark beads are known worldwide. In Papeete, the Robert Wan Pearl Museum shows not only the story of the beads, but also the various tales about these valuable Tahitian beads. The visitor will also find out which intriguing pearl growing and cultivation methods are used and how to preserve their colors.

Known after Robert Wan, the unique exhibition is the only one of its kind in the whole wide range. Tahiti has a large number of museums on Polynesia's past and legacy. Among the artefacts are early art and woodcarvings as well as historic artefacts describing the early living on the articel. There' is also an extensive section on the French Polynesia Europe's approach and the impact of colonization, as well as on geographical and environmental issues.

The advertisements are in French and English. The French post-impressionist painter Paul Gauguin fallen in footsteps with Tahiti in the 1890s, first moved to Papeete in the hope of a new beginning. Tahiti would allow him to escape the pressures of contemporary civilization from what he thought he could.

Many times he would paint works that depict Tahiti. Gauguin Museum is devoted to his daily work in Tahiti and shows some of his works and mementos. On Huahine is a small show room and workspace for the work of the resident Melanie Shook Dupre. Their art catches both Tahiti and Huahine lives, from their 17 years in French Polynesia.

This is another small art galery that gives an impression of the French Polish cultural scene. In the exhibition space, you can see works of art by various different art forms and different ethnical art forms from the Tahiti people. James Normal Hall is devoted to the renowned US writer and writer who spent the years 1920 to 1951 in Tahiti.

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