Flint Michigan to Mackinac Island

Florent Michigan to Mackinac Island

Getting from Flint to Mackinac Island by bus, train, car or plane. Which companies operate services between Flint, MI, USA and Mackinac Island, MI, USA? From Flint, MI to Mackinac Island, MI by riding, cycling and hiking. Bishop International (FNT) direct flights from Flint, MI to Mackinac Island (MCD) in Mackinac Island, MI. It is located in Lake Huron on the Strait of Mackinac in Michigan.

Distances between Mackinac Island, MI and Flint, MI

From Mackinac Island it is 202.69 mile to Flint in a south-easterly sense and 232 mile ('373.37 km) by road and boat on the I-75 S. The Mackinac Island and Flint are 4 h 8 min away if you travel 3 h 20 min non-stop and take a 48 minute boat.

It' the quickest way from Mackinac Island, MI to Flint, MI. Half the way is Saint Helen, MI. The Mackinac Island, MI and Flint, MI are in the same Eastern Daylightime. The current time in both places is 1:22 am. Sharing any questions or advice about the Mackinac Island, MI to Flint, MI route: A MPG vehicle that requires 10.74 gallon of throttle to travel between Mackinac Island, MI and Flint, MI.

Approximate transport from Mackinac Island to Flint is $30.40. On the way, an ordinary vehicle releases 210.46 lbs of CO2 into the air. When you want to get together half way between Mackinac Island, MI and Flint, MI or just want to make a stop in the center of your journey, the precise co-ordinates of the half way of this itinerary are 44.329498 and -84.512383, or 84º 19' 46.1928" N, 84º 30' 44.5788" W. This place is 116.02 mile away from Mackinac Island, MI and Flint, MI and it would take about 2 hrs 4 minutes to get to the half way point from both places.

Nearest city is Saint Helen, MI, 128.15 from Mackinac Island, MI and 111.45 from Flint, MI. The drive from Mackinac Island to Saint Helen takes 2 h 41 minutes and from Flint to Saint Helen 1 h 46 minutes.

You got a place to stay in Flint, MI? You' re plannin' a rental from Mackinac Island, MI to Flint, MI? There are some deals for rental cars in or near Mackinac Island, MI: No rain during the weeks, with high temperature of up to 74°F on Saturdays.

View the distances in mileage, kilometres and sea leagues between Mackinac Island, MI and Flint, MI in this table:

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