False Creek

False Creek

Locate False Creek Restaurants around Vancouver and other places like Kitsilano, Downtown, Mount Pleasant and more. Lox tacos may sound the alarm for traditionalists, but in this False Creek Seafood Hut on the western approach to Granville Island they are very good. Browse all two-bedroom apartments for sale in False Creek or click on the images below to view more options from False Creek. Locate hotels near False Creek, Canada online. False Creek Seawall is a world-class walking and cycling trail connecting English Bay with Science World, Granville Island and Kitsilano Beach.

35 years in the service of FalseCreek

View our 9 docking sites that span False Creek from Kitsilano Point to the Olympic Village and the scientific world. Conveniently cross False Creek and see all the attractions on one of our versatile sight-seeing tours. Take a crystal-clear tour of the picturesque municipal waterways of False Creek, with the pristine False Creek FERRIENT.

False Creek Ferries is Vancouvers' most popular small shipping line with pleasant services and convenient ships as well as most of the region's itineraries. View our itineraries, timetables and fares to plan your journey. Keep up to date with our latest Twitter newsletter: Have a look at the guests' reviews on Tripadvisor and see why we are a favorite locally.

"Schedule your journey

We have False Creek with 4 itineraries and 9 moorings from Kitsilano Beach to the Village. Small ferryboats run all year round in the sun or when it rains. Small ferryboats run every 5 min from the West End from Downtown Vancouver to Granville Island and every 15 min on all other itineraries.

The ferry runs every 2 min from the West End and every 7-10 min on other stretches at busy periods. Travel time: 3 min. Travel time: 12 min. The ferryboats leave Yaletown at 10, 25, 40 and 55 after the full hours. The ferry stops at David Lam at:00,:15,:30 and:45 after the full hour. 2.

The ferry leaves Granville Island at 10, 25, 40 and 55 o'clock after the fullĀ hours. Travel time: 20 minutes. The ferry departs at:00,:15,:30 and:45 after the full hours. The ferry leaves Granville Island at 10, 25, 40 and 55 o'clock after the fullĀ hours. Travel time: 15 minutes. The ferry leaves Granville Island at 03, 18, 33 and 48 o'clock.

On the way the ferry stops at the Aquatic Centre at 07, 22, 37 and 52 o'clock.

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