Easter Island Stone Bodies

Osterinsel stone body

View more ideas about Easter Island, Chile and Easter Island statues. The Easter Island heads have bodies! Easter Island's world-famous large stone sculptures, or mai, were engraved from 1100-1680 A.D. (rectified radio-carbon data).

So far 887 stone sculptures have been listed on the island and in museums' collection. Though often referred to as "Easter Island heads," the sculptures are actually torsos, most of them ending at the top of the upper legs, although a small number of them are full, with the sculptures kneeing with their arms above their belly on flexion.

A few erect mai have burrowed up to their neck by moving the ground. Those solid minds were one of the greatest old secrets ever uncovered. They have bodies. The fact that they have bodies is amazing. The famous monumental sculptures make most of us think only of our minds. However, in October 2011, the Easter Island Statue Project began its seasons V-Expedition and showed notable photographs showing that the bodies of the sculptures lie much lower below the ground than one could have fancy.

New petroglyphic lettering has also been found on the bodies of the sculptures. Are they going to tell the tale of old extraterrestrials who created the rocks in their own likeness?

Antique secrets about the huge minds of Easter Island discovered by scholars Arkaeology | Easter Island and Prehistory before Easter Island

By 2012, the whole wide globe was amazed to know that there are more of the celebrated Easter Island tops - the ancient huge stone tops actually have torso. Huge sculptures of mai punctuate the grass sides of an extinguished lava on Easter Island. This island of UNESCO cultural inheritance is known for its 900 huge stone sculptures.

In the meantime, many sculptures of moon on the whole island reverse the formation and quickly disintegrate from invaluable woodcarvings into simple crags. Vulcanic rock is weathered and extensive preservation is needed to conserve Rapa Nui's stone heritage in its present awe-inspiring condition. "that the Easter Island sculptures actually have bodies!"

Archaeological excavations under the direction of Jo Anne Van Tilburg, the Easter Island Statue Project Manager and local, assisted the crew in excavating these astonishing Monolith. The elaborately sculpted half-moon icons on the back of the sculptures depict the Polynesian islands' small boat which came to the island via huge expanses of sands.

With a height of ten metres and a weight of over 80 tonnes, the Easter Island sculptures were formed from lightweight, hollow rock around 100 and 1800 AD. In the course of the years the bodies of the sculptures were hid underground. Mystical and wonderfully decorated sculptures are regarded as depictions of holy tribe characters and forefathers.

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