Chatham Island Shipping

Shipping to Chatham Island

It became one of hundreds banned to the remote Chatham Islands. Chatham Islands Maritime Grant was established many years ago. The Chatham Islands Boat and Cruise Accommodation Directory. Team up with a cruise ship or an overnight cruise on the Chatham Islands. Chatham Islands, an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, belong to New Zealand.

Homepage - Chatham Islands Shipping Ltd

We are the sole ocean-going forwarder of all exports and imports from the Chatham Islands to the N.Z. The MV Southern Tiare is the only shipping line between all our harbours. It is a multi-purpose boat designed for the transport of cattle. Equipped with twin jibs, the lift power has proven to be a genuine benefit for the Chathams and Pitt population.

It transports a variety of products such as cattle, wood, poles, lures, fish, fertilizers, foods and everything in between.


You say that although two vessels currently operating the Chathams are enrolled abroad, they only do so by sorting the system. At present there are two vessels operating on the islands. They are both from New Zealand. "The Federation says, "We fully appreciate that the ship is occupied by a largely Tongan ship's personnel from Chatham Island Shipping.

However, because the Act states that alien ships must indeed go to alien harbours before they can say that they are not New Zealand ships, the association says the Southern Tiare will make a month's voyage to Norfolk Island. "The run to Norfolk does not appear on the shipping plan on their website and seems to be a workaround for the Federation," the Fed.

Federations says that the other Chathams' boat, the Norfolk Guardian, "is also making a detour to Norfolk Island" to be able to sail as a alien one. Last fortnight, three international vessels disembarked from Auckland to South Island harbours transporting freight from Auckland. However, the New Zealand boat that makes the same voyage - the Spirit of Canterbury - was severely affected by the fees charged on its heating energy.

There is no charge for international vessels to collect their petrol in New Zealand. New Zealand shipowners were struck by a two-stroke blow over ETS fees --- the amount of credit has risen from $0.138 to $0.343 per litre of petrol, but this year the government has also cancelled the "two for one" CO2 emission subsidies, which have actually redoubled the amount that petrol buyers have to foot the bill.

Former National MEP Annabel Young, Executive Director of the associations, says that another sarcasm is that shipping is generally seen as an environmentally sound mode of transportation.

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