

Here you will find further information about our subsidiaries and distributors in Bolivia. Most of Bolivia's population is made up of children and young people. Flag for Bolivia, which can be displayed as BO on some platforms. Bolivia is the third largest coca plantation in the world. Reserve a hotel in Bolivia online.


Bolivia, called after the liberation warrior Simon BOLIVAR, separated itself from Spain in 1825; much of its later story comprised a number of almost 200 attempted coup d'état and counter-coup. The relatively democratically elected civil government was introduced in the 80s, but the leadership was confronted with serious issues such as severe levels of deprivation, civil strife and drugs-producing.

Formal name In 2009 Bolivia officially renamed itself from the Republic of Bolivia to the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Republic. August 6, 1825. Bolivian(s). Queenchua 30%, Mestizos (mixed Indian and white) 30%, Aymara 25%, 15% of Indian origin. Hispanic ("official"); Quechua, Aymara, Guarani. Bolivian statistics indicators.

World Factbook - Central News Agency

Bolivia, called after the independent warrior Simon BOLIVAR, abandoned Spain in 1825; much of its later story was of a succession of revolts and counter-currants, the last in 1978. President MORALES won re-election with ease in December 2009 and October 2014. MORALES just barely won a referenda in February 2016 to adopt a constitution that would have enabled him to take part in the 2019 poll.

In spite of the defeat, MORALES has already been selected by his political group to run again in 2019, in a still undecided manner, to appear on the ballots. In several areas of healthcare and developpment, Bolivia leads the way in terms of wealth, nutrition, poverty, undernourishment, death and live-lihood.

It is a good thing that more babies are immunised and more expectant mothers receive pre-natal treatment and qualified healthcare professionals accompany their birth. Bolivia's disparity of incomes is the highest in Latin America and one of the highest in the run. Government literacy is of low standard and literacy is one of the most uneven in Latin America as young people are less likely to read, write or finish their schooling.

Missing grass-roots support for the high birth rates in Bolivia - about three per wife. Bolivia's disparity of incomes is the highest in Latin America and one of the highest in the run. Government literacy is of low standard and literacy is one of the most uneven in Latin America as women and native and rural kids are less likely to read and write or finish elementary age.

Missing grass-roots support for educational and reproductive health care contributes to maintaining Bolivia's high birth rates - about three per wife. 7-16% of Bolivia's people live abroad (estimates differ in part due to irregular migration). Over the past few years, the more stringent immigrant policy in Europe and the USA has boosted the influx of Bolivians into neighbouring states.

Few Bolivians emigrated to Brazil in 2015 and 2016 because of the economic downturn; more and more went to Chile, mainly to work as coal-mine workers. Previously, the demographic hierarchy was improved: not improved: improved: improved: not improved: Bolívia is a fast-growing raw material-rich Bolivian market for the export of petroleum to Brazil and Argentina.

Nonetheless, the state is still one of the least advanced Latin American economies, pursuing a state-oriented policy that discourages investments. After a catastrophic financial turmoil in the early eighties, reform in the nineties boosted consumer spending, boosted stimulus for recovery and reduced povernours. Declining overall petroleum pricing, which began at the end of 2014, put upward pressures on the export tariffs for Bolivia and led to lower GNP increases - 4. 9% in 2015 and 4.

By 2015, President Evo Murales had increased his focus on foreign investments and increasing Bolivia's power generation capacities. Mr Murales adopted an employment bill and pledged not to nationalise any other industry to enhance the business environment.

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