

Krabis is the pulsating tourist centre of Ao Nang. pp="mw-headline" id="Ao_vs._midori">AoAo vs. midorispanklasse>>

The ao ( "hiragana" ?; kanji ?; adjacent shape of Ao ( "??")) is a colour space in Japan that contains what English-speaking people would call lightness. In Japan, for example, the sky is called anozora ( (??) and the light is ao-shing? (). Contemporary Japonese has its own term for midori (?), although its borders are not the same as in English.

The Japanese did not have this distinction: the term''Midori'' only came into use in the Holian era, and then (and for a long while afterwards ) it was still ao. Only after the Second World War, during the Second World War, did the use of environmental and environmental education material begin: although most Japanese consider it to be environmental, the term ao is still used to describe certain fruits, plants and fruits.

It is also the name for the colour of a set of lights, "green" in German. Most of the other items - a verdant automobile, a verdant pullover and so on - are generally referred to as midori. Sometimes the Japans also use the German term "green" for colours. There are also some other words in the vernacular that mean certain greens and blues.

Ao can also refer to the colour of young people, as in the track "aoi kajitsu" (a young maiden song) by Momoe Yamaguchi, a significance that results from the on' yomi (Chinese reading) of kanji for ao.

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